Welcome to Hrafnseyri!

The birthplace of Jón Sigurðsson (1811-1879) 

A new exhibition, “For the Good of the Nation – Jón Sigurðsson 1811-1879“ was opened on the Icelandic National Day, the 17th of June, 2011, due to the Bicentenary of the birth of Jón Sigurðsson, who was the leader of the Icelandic campaign for self-determination in the 19th century.

The exhibition is open every day from

June 1st. – September 8th.

Opening hours: 11 – 17 


For group bookings, pelase contact hrafnseyri@hrafnseyri.is

No admission fee for individuals.



Contact info:

Phone: 456 8260 
E-mail: hrafnseyri@hrafnseyri.is 

Coffee is served in the turf house

Director: Ingi Björn Guðnason
E-mail: hrafnseyri@hrafnseyri.is

An introduction to Jón Sigurðsson, the national hero of Iceland 
This English version is aimed to give foreigners a general idea of who Jón Sigurðsson was. The text excerpts here are not a direct translation from the icelandic pages as they are more detailed. Learn about a newly published translation of Jón's biography in one of these pages. Learn why Jón was always referred to as "president". The people of Iceland celebrate Jón's birthday every year, as the National day of Iceland. The Republic of Iceland was also founded on his birthday on June 17th 1944.


Ný sýning um Jón Sigurðsson var opnuð árið 2011 á Hrafnseyri í tilefni þess að 200 ár voru liðin frá fæðingu hans á staðnum.

A new exhibition about Jón Sigurðsson was opened in 2011 at Hrafnseyri celebrating his 200 years anniversary.

Opnunartími (Opening hours)

1. júní - 7. september

kl. 11:00 - 17:00 alla daga

Á öðrum tímum eftir samkomulagi.

Hópar utan opnunartíma
Vinsamlegast hafið samband til að bóka komur hópa utan opnunartíma.

Sími: 456-8260
Netfang: hrafnseyri@hrafnseyri.is